Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Essay Example Essay Example

Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Essay Example Paper Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Introduction The constitution of public policy requires strong protagonism administrations as they are boosters and Godheads of policy thoughts, suppliers of indispensable resources ( expertness, financess and information ) and makers of public sentiment needed to accomplish effectual policies. There is an ample diverseness within the population of protagonism group, some are good set up advocators with memorable histories of policy work while others are freshly emerged administrations recommending for a cause. Working on a assortment of subjects, â€Å" they operate at all degrees in the policy sphere. They have many organisational signifiers, support beginnings, and protections. Their activities cover a broad scope of tactics that include lobbying, forming, research, run finance, and so forth † ( McNutt, 2010 ) . Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Body Paragraphs Nowadays it ‘s non an easy undertaking to measure who and how many administrations engage in protagonism activities. Measuring lobbying outgo is non plenty as lobbying is merely one among assorted activities included in protagonism pattern. Advocacy includes a huge scope of undertakings such as researching, letter-writing, analysing, educating, skill-building, constructing relationships, mobilizing, forming, protesting, petitioning, facilitating, rousing power, convention, etc ( Avner, 2004 ) . There are plentifulness of chances for administrations to progress a policy and societal alteration without even prosecuting in lobbying. Advocacy is an indispensable activity for non-profit-making administrations in United Kingdom. In its assorted signifiers, whether implies buttonholing or instruction and agenda-setting, protagonism plays an of import function in the non-profit-making sector. Therefore understanding what non-profit-making protagonism is, how and to what extent protagon ism is practiced and what are the nucleus organizational features with an impact on protagonism engagement is of a important affair. Most non-profit-making protagonism is carried by administrations with a nucleus mission of protagonism but direct service administrations gained recently a significant function in the protagonism sphere. An of import issue is that this type of administrations face particular challenges when practising advocacy non as a primarly but as a secondary organisational map to back up the nucleus mission of direct service. ( Kimberlin, 2010 ) Assorted philosophical and practical barriers are faced by direct services non-profit-making administrations when they try to implement effectual protagonism activities. The chief philosophical barrier is related to the unwilligness to to the full authorise components as advocators expressed by some service oriented not-for-profits. In this instance components are regarded more as service receivers instead so active organi sation representatives. Althought there is a clear tendency in public policy doing to back up the demand for non-profit-making direct service administrations to â€Å" leverage the cognition and expertness of their components and staff to recommend for societal justness † ( Donaldson, 2008 ) . Practical barriers can be deficiency of support, fright of requital from nucleus organisational funders or limited protagonism accomplishments among staff. Literature reappraisal We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights Nonprofit Advocacy Organisations In Uk Social Work Essay Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are many ways to specify non-profit-making protagonism. Even if many non-profit-making administrations advocate on behalf of single clients, more frequently non-profit-making protagonism refers to collective protagonism. A frequent definition of non-profit-making protagonism is produced by Jenkins who describe protagonism as â€Å" any effort tp influence the determinations of an institutional elite on behalf of a corporate involvement. † ( Jenkins, 1987:297 ) . Scholars have advanced definitions that emphasize the struggle inherent in protagonism, for them â€Å" advocacy organisations do public involvement claims either advancing or defying societal alteration that, if implemented, would conflict with the societal, cultural, political, or economic involvements or values of other constituencies and groups. † ( Andrews and Edwards, 2004:481 ) Assorted researchings differentiate between self involvement organisational protagonism and progressive protagonism. If sel f involvement protagonism is designed to protect administration support contracts, â€Å" progressive protagonism pattern refers to advocacy that ( 1 ) seeks to reference underlying structural and power unfairnesss as distinct from protagonism motivated by organisational involvement, and ( 2 ) applies strategies that meaningfully prosecute clients or components in all facets of the protagonism procedure. † ( Donaldson, 2008:26 ) In this instance protagonism ‘s primarly intent is to progress the involvements of components, instead so self involvements. Furthermore components are engaged in the protagonism sphere. Another position in specifying non-profit-making protagonism is the scope of administrations categorized as not-for-profit. In a research about protagonism administrations engaged in the political procedure, Andrews and Edwards ( 2004 ) include involvement groups, societal motion administrations and direct service not-for-profit bureaus. Some protagonism researc h workers ( Reid, 2006 ) analyzed administrations for whom protagonism is a nucleus mission. Others ( Donaldson, 2008 ) have explored direct service administrations that consider protagonism as a secondary organizational activity. Few researches focus on protagonism across both types of non-profit-making administrations ( Salmon, 2002 ) . Research purpose The intent of this thesis is to analyze the patterns of service orientated non-profit-making administrations in the specific field of human rights ( LGBT sector ) . The purpose of this survey is to place organisational features associated with engagement in protagonism, practical schemes and best patterns for easing protagonism attempts in organisations that conduct protagonism as a secondary instead than core organisational activity in the human rights field ( LGBT sector ) . Footings of mention To what extent non-profit-making organisations triping in human rights field ( LGBT sector ) participate in the protagonism sphere? There is any relationship between reception of authorities support and engagement in protagonism? Can assorted non-profit-making features, like organisational size and adulthood, have an influence on protagonism apetite? Can serve oriented non-profit-making administrations employ the same schemes used by nucleus protagonism not-for-profits? What are the restrictions? What are the most effectual patterns and schemes for non-profit-making administrations triping in human rights field ( LGBT sector ) to accomplish protagonism ends? Another unsolved inquiry in the literature that examines not-for-profit protagonism is the extent to which bureau protagonism behaviour is motivated by self or agency-interest, for illustration, to protect support beginnings, or make bureaus have a broader intent to their protagonism agenda that includes turn toing structural and power unfairnesss. the reply to these inquiries might act upon the schemes and tactics bureaus use in their protagonism pattern, that is, whether or non the bureau engages in progressive protagonism, or protagonism that is largely expert-driven and motivated chiefly by agency-interest. Advocacy is stating or showing something you know to person you know in order to better the quality of life for others ( Mitchell and Philibert 2002 ; Zeitler 2007 ) In order to be most effectual, protagonism attempts require a echt desire for alteration and efi ¬?cient communicating. Advocacy besides involves constructing relationships with fellow advocators, every bit good as elected ofi ¬?cials at the local, province, and national degrees ( LaRocco and Bruns 2005 ; Zeitler 2007 ) . Andrews, K. A ; Edwards, B. ( 2004 ) . Advocacy organisations in the U.S. political procedure. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 479-506. hypertext transfer protocol: // pdfviewer/pdfviewer? v10HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // v10 A ; h113 A ; se8d04f04-1eaf-4dc2-808a-2754c2071dd5 sessionmgr112 † amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // v10 A ; h113 A ; se8d04f04-1eaf-4dc2-808a-2754c2071dd5 sessionmgr112 † h113HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // v10 A ; h113 A ; se8d04f04-1eaf-4dc2-808a-2754c2071dd5 sessionmgr112 † amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // v10 A ; h113 A ; se8d04f04-1eaf-4dc2-808a-2754c2071dd5 sessionmgr112 † se8d04f04-1eaf-4dc2-808a-2754c2071dd5 % 40sessionmgr112 Avner, M. ( 2004 ) . The lobbying and protagonism enchiridion for non-profit-making organisations: Determining public policy at the province and local degree. St. Paul, MN: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. Donaldson, L. ( 2008 ) . Developing a progressive protagonism plan within a human services bureau. Administration in Social Work, 32 ( 2 ) , 25-47. Jenkins, J. C. ( 1987 ) . Nonprofit organisations and policy protagonism. In W. Powell ( Ed. ) , The non-profit-making sector: A research enchiridion ( pp. 296-320 ) . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Kimberlin, Sara E. ( 2010 ) ‘Advocacy by Nonprofit organizations: Functions and Practices of Core Advocacy Organizations and Direct Service Agencies ‘ , Journal of Policy Practice, 9: 3, 164 – 182 hypertext transfer protocol: // LaRocco, D. J. , A ; Bruns, D. A. ( 2005 ) . Advocacy is merely a phone call off: Schemes to do a difference on behalf of kids and their households. Young Exceptional Children, 8 ( 4 ) , 11-18. McNutt, John G. ( 2010 ) ‘Researching Advocacy Groups: Internet Sources for Research about Public Interest Groups and Social Movement Organizations ‘ , Journal of Policy Practice, 9: 3, 308 – 312 hypertext transfer protocol: // Mitchell, L. M. , A ; Philibert, D. B. ( 2002 ) . Family, professional, and political protagonism: Rights and duties. Young Exceptional Children, 5 ( 4 ) , 11-18. Reid, E. ( 2006 ) . Nonprofit protagonism and political engagement. In E. T. Boris A ; C. E. Steuerle ( Eds. ) , Nonprofits and authorities: Collaboration and struggle ( pp.343-371 ) . Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press. hypertext transfer protocol: // Salamon, L. ( 2002 ) . Explaining non-profit-making protagonism: An explorative analysis. Johns Hopkins University, Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Civil Society Studies Working Paper No. 21. hypertext transfer protocol: // pdf

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Northern Leopard Frog Facts

Northern Leopard Frog Facts The song of the northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens or Rana pipiens) is a sure sign of spring in North America. While the northern leopard frog is one of the most abundant and widespread frogs within its region, its population has declined so significantly that its no longer found within parts of its range. Fast Facts: Northern Leopard Frog Scientific Name: Lithobates pipiens or Rana pipiensCommon Names: Northern leopard frog, meadow frog, grass frogBasic Animal Group: AmphibianSize: 3-5 inchesWeight: 0.5-2.8 ouncesLifespan: 2-4 yearsDiet: OmnivorousHabitat: United States and CanadaPopulation: Hundreds of thousands or millionsConservation Status: Least Concern Description The northern leopard frog gets its name from the greenish-brown irregular spots on its back and legs. Most of the frogs are green or brown with spots and pearly while undersides. However, there are other color morphs. Frogs with the burnsi color morph lack spots or only have them on their legs. Albino northern leopard frogs also occur. The northern leopard frog is a medium to large frog. Adults range from 3 to 5 inches in length and weigh between one half and 2.8 ounces. Mature females are larger than males. Some morphs of the northern leopard frog lack spots. R. Andrew Odum / Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Northern leopard frogs live near marshes, lakes, streams, and ponds from southern Canada through the northern United States and south into New Mexico and Arizona in the West and Kentucky in the East. In the summer, the frogs often venture further from the water and may be found in meadows, fields, and pastures. The southern leopard frog (Lithobates sphenocephala) occupies the southeastern United States and is similar in appearance to the northern leopard frog except that its head is more pointed and its spots tend to be smaller. Diet and Behavior Tadpoles eat algae and rotting vegetable matter, but adult frogs are opportunistic predators that eat anything that will fit within their mouths. The northern leopard frog sits and waits for prey to come near. Once the target is within range, the frog leaps and snatches it up with its long, sticky tongue. Common prey includes small mollusks (snails and slugs), worms, insects (e.g., ants, beetles, crickets, leafhoppers), and other vertebrates (small birds, snakes, and smaller frogs). The frogs do not produce offensive or toxic skin secretions, so they are preyed upon by numerous species. These include raccoons, snakes, birds, foxes, humans, and other frogs. Reproduction and Offspring Northern leopard frogs breed in the spring from March to June. Males make a snore-like, rumbling call to attract females. Once the female selects a male, the pair mates once. After mating, the female lays up to 6500 eggs in the water. The eggs are gelatinous and round with darker centers. The eggs hatch into tadpoles that are pale brown with black spots. The rate of hatching and development depends on temperature and other conditions, but development from egg to adult typically takes between 70 and 110 days. In this time, the tadpoles gain size, develop lungs, grow legs, and eventually lose their tails. Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the northern leopard frogs conservation status as least concern. Researchers estimate hundreds of thousand or millions of the frogs live in North America. However, the population has been rapidly declining since the early 1970s, especially in the Rocky Mountains. Laboratory research suggests a possible explanation for regional decline relates to the effect of higher-than-normal temperatures on crowding and bacterial infection. Other threats include habitat loss, competition and predation by introduced species (especially bullfrogs), hormonal effects of agricultural chemicals (e.g., atrazine), hunting, trapping for research and the pet trade, pollution, severe weather, and climate change. Northern Leopard Frogs and Humans Northern leopard frogs are widely kept in captivity for science education, medical research, and as pets. Educators use the frog for dissection, to teach about how muscles are used for different modes of locomotion (swimming and jumping), and to study biomechanics. The sartorius muscle of the frog remains alive in vitro for several hours, allowing experimentation on muscle and neuron physiology. The frog produces a type of enzyme called ribonucleases that are used to treat cancer, including brain tumors, lung tumors, and pleural mesothelioma. Northern leopard frogs are popular pets because they prefer temperatures that are comfortable to humans and eat readily available prey. Sources Conant, R. and Collins, J.T. (1991).  A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America (3rd Ed.).  Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts.Hammerson, G.; Solà ­s, F.; Ibà ±ez, R.; Jaramillo, C.; Fuenmayor, Q. (2004). Lithobates pipiens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2004: e.T58695A11814172. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T58695A11814172.enHillis, David M.; Frost, John S.; Wright, David A. (1983). Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Rana pipiens Complex: A Biochemical Evaluation. Systematic Zoology. 32 (2): 132–43. doi:10.1093/sysbio/32.2.132

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Elements of a Statement of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Elements of a Statement of Work - Essay Example Most of the resources recommend that a good SOW document should tell clients a story starting with â€Å"why†, then â€Å"how† and â€Å"what† and finally â€Å"when† and â€Å"how much† in a logical order to make a follow up an easy task. A statement of works comprises of various elements with some formats omitting some particularly the ones that do not have much importance. This paper will discuss the most critical components of a statement of works and explain what Breakdown Structure (WBS) accomplishes. Under this section, vendors are required to define the â€Å"why† by stating the marketing or the objective of the business with respect to the project, as well as state a high-level overview of the resolution. This ensures that the vendor has clarity as to why he or she is undertaking the work (project) and hence can now start weaving the story. Under this section of SOW, a vendor is required to define the â€Å"what† and â€Å"how† of the weaved story in attempt to fully define the work being performed and outline a concise process that explains how the work will be done. It involves the following tasks that must be written in a chronological order Any assumption relating to the tasks that has been made while preparing SOW must be included in this part since assumptions are inevitable in any SOW document. It is also highly advisable that preparers should start precisely the deliverables produced while clearly describing them with regard to size which can be approximated, but expressed using words like â€Å"up to† so that if the supplier produces less can still be fulfilling the contract (Lessard & Lessard, 2007). Tasks should never be listed under deliverables since deliverables are items handed off to clients for review and approval. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid giving clients options under this section since all decisions ought to be made by this stage. Schedule section defines the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tourism Marketing and tourism and tourism business strategy Essay

Tourism Marketing and tourism and tourism business strategy - Essay Example stination depends largely on the destination marketing organizations and the success of a destination marketing organization mainly depends on different communication channels used by the organization to attract a large number of customers. A multi channel marketing strategy is very important for these destination marketing organizations to reach the potential buyers at different times and in different ways, and that the most successful marketing programs contained an appropriate mix of marketing channels for the targeted audience Multichannel integration is posited as one of the key cross functional processes in CRM strategy development. The nature of industry channel structure, channel participants, channel options, and alternative channel strategies all are very essential and have to be kept in mind. The customer experience is explored both within and across the channels. In less than a decade, customer relationship management (CRM) has escalated into a topic of major importance that is built especially on the principles of relationship marketing CRM is a management approach that seeks to create, develop, and enhance relationships with carefully targeted customers to maximise customer value, corporate profitability,and thus, shareholder value relationships within a multichannel environment . For Destination Marketing Organizations. CRM is important because it provides enhanced opportunities by using data to understand customers and to implement improved relationship marketing strategies. These Destination Marketing Organizations have to attract a number of tourists by promoting an area, city or a country so they need to build strong relations with their potential customers Therefore the multichannel strategy for Destination Marketing Organizations plays a pivotal role in CRM as it takes the outputs of the business strategy and value-creation processes and translates them into value adding interactions with the tourists. It involves making decisions about

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Consumer behavior Essay Example for Free

Consumer behavior Essay 1. Why would someone shop on the internet ? buy an ipad ? eat at T. G. I. Fridays frequently ? -Because of the fast-paced world that we live in it would be more practical to shop through the internet because of its accessibility. Through online shopping customer can get the product and avail the services they need in just a simple click of button it saves them time and energy. An ipad is a tablet computer developed by Apple. It is smaller than a typical laptop, but significantly larger than the average smartphone. The iPad does not include a keyboard or a trackpad, but instead has a touchscreen interface , which is used to control the device. Due to it’s portability, accessibility, ease of use, and the great applications you can avail with it millions of people around the world are ipad user and hundreds are still planning to get their self one, so they can ride along in the bandwagon and be one with the trend. Having an ipad can also defined one’s social status so, even though it is expensive with it’s benefits and the image it can give to a person we find iPAD’s as a practical thing to buy. T. G. I. Fridays is an American restaurant chain focusing on casual dining. It offers it’s customers good food and an American dining experience though it maybe expensive compared to other restaurant but, it is a great place to relaxed after a hard days work. a) Why would someone else not make those purchases? -Other People find it much more complicated to shop through the internet and prefer the old fashion way of shopping, some find iPad’s expensive and impractical and other people find eating at an expensive restaurant just a waste of time and money and they just prefer to eat home cooked meal. b) How would you choose one outlet, brand and model over the others? If they have a good ambiance and feel of their store, the sales person offers good service and if their product are worthy and reasonable enough for their price. c) Would others make choice the same way ? -I guess not, because other people prefer to go with products with cheaper prices.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

The objective of this article is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Speedster Athletics Company’s financial position. Company has a good profitability and a attractive asset base. However following strengths can be highlighted in the financial position of Speedster Athletics Company; †¢ Favourable Gross profits – Speedster Athletics Company has been able to generate favourable gross margins over the last three years consistently over the industry average of 26%. Gross margin is in a declining trend over 2010 to 2011 where 2011 gross margin is 27% (1371/5075*100%) which is 1% lower than 2011, however this is above the industry average level, proving that Speedster company is capable of generating better margins. †¢ Increase in Fixed assets base in 2011 over 2010 – From 2010 to 2011 there has been a 23.8% increase in gross fixed assets value. The raised funds through long term debts would have been used to enhance assets base of Speedster. This is a very positive sigh of future profitability and capacity of the company. Higher assets should be able to generate more cash inflow...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Gully Trap

Everything you need to know about gully traps Waste Pipes Ground Level Concrete Surface Grating 25mm above paved and 100mm above unpaved What is a gully trap? Agullytrapisabasininthegroundwhichreceivespiped wastewaterfromyourkitchen,bathroomandlaundrybeforeitis emptiedintothesewer. Thebasinhasawatersealtopreventfoul odoursofthesewerreachingthesurface. Thetoporsurroundis raisedabovegroundleveltopreventstormwaterandotherforeign matterenteringthesewer. What should my gully trap look like? Thediagramshowstheacceptedconfigurationofagullytrapasset outintheNewZealandBuildingCode.Gullytraparrangementswhich TheBuildingCodesaysyourgullytrapsurroundsmustbe25mm aboveapavedsurfaceor100mmaboveunpavedsurfaces. Compacted granular bedding material Separation from building material Gully traps are not meant for stormwater Inperiodsofheavyrain,asuddenincreaseinwater flowingintothesewerthroughgullytrapscanresult inwastewateroverflowselsewhereinthesewerage system. Thiscanresultinrawsewageentering ourharb our. Theseexcessiveflowscanalsocause problemsatthewastewatertreatmentplantdueto systemoverloading. Approved gully trap keeping rain water out of the wastewater system.Illegal gully trap allowing rain into the wastewater system. Common reasons why rain water flows into a gully trap inClude: †¢ Incorrectheightofthegullytrapsurrounds †¢ Downpipesplumbedintothegullytrapinsteadofthestormwatersystem A TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL SERVICE †¢ Landscapingthatdirectswaterintothegullytrap Water seal 65mm (min) donotcomplywiththisconfigurationareconsideredillegal. 600mm (max) Preventing sewer overflows to keep our harbour clean TheSouthernPipelineisa$106Mwastewaterpipeline thatwillredirectmostofthecity’swastewateroverto TeMaunga.However,it’sstillafewyearsaway. InthemeantimeCouncilhasstartedinspectinggully trapsthroughoutthecitytohelpcustomersknowif theirsisOK,andtoofferadviceonhowtofixthemif they’renot. Ifeverypropertyownerwithanincorrectlydesigned gullytrapfixedit, theamountofstormwatersneaking intothewastewatersystemwouldbegreatlyreduced. Not all problems will be solved by these options . . . Ifyouhavelandscapingthatdirectsstormwater intoyourgullytrap,youmayneedtospeaktoyour drainlayeraboutoptionstofixthis. Somegully trapsmayalsoneedadditionalworktomakethem compliant.Tofurtherminimiseanywatergettingintothe wastewatersystemallpropertyownersmust ensurethat: †¢ anypavingsurroundingthegullytrapisgraded todirectallstormwaterawayfromit †¢ allwastepipeconnectionstothegullytrap remainwatertight †¢ anydownpipesthatcurrentlydischargeinto thegullytrapareredirectedtoastormwater system(e. g. soakholeorreticulationsystem). How can I fix my gully trap? Toraiseyourgullytraptotherequiredheight, suitable. hereareacoupleoflowcostoptionsthatmaybe 1. Installaplasticriser. Thisisfittedoverthe gullytrapwithsealantaroundtheedgesand walltokeepstormwateroutofthegullytrap.Theseareavailablefromhardwareoutlets likeMitre10,PlacemakersorCarters. 2. Installac oncretehalfring(alsoknownasa nibwall). Thisiscementedintoplacewith sealantaroundtheedgesandwalltokeep stormwateroutofthegullytrap. These areavailablefromaconcretesupplierlike Humes. For more information or advice, please contact Tauranga City Council on (07) 577 7000 or go to www. tauranga. govt. nz and type in key words ‘gully trap’. A TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL SERVICE If you need more help contact Waterline Ph: 577 7000 Web: www. tauranga. govt. nz MVM50675F